Single-family house or duplex apartment? Discover the pros and cons of both solutions

Eko Falenty - mieszkania dwupoziomowe

Are you wondering whether to choose a detached house or perhaps a two-level apartment? Each of these options has its unique advantages and disadvantages that are worth considering before making a decision. In this article, we examine key aspects regarding these two types of housing. We invite you to read on.

Detached Houses – What Are the Reasons to Buy One?

If you value complete freedom and independence in managing every aspect of your home, consider a detached house. Although such a house is significantly more expensive than a two-level apartment and requires greater maintenance costs, it has benefits that make this type of property worth considering.

Detached houses also feature four free exterior walls. This offers much greater possibilities for placing windows and doors, allowing for better lighting in every room, including the bathroom and wardrobe. Windows also facilitate effective ventilation, preventing moisture build-up and increasing living comfort. Doors can be installed anywhere, enabling the creation of, for example, an independent exit from a chosen part of the house.

A detached house provides the highest level of privacy compared to all other types of housing and eliminates the need to adhere to quiet hours. Among the advantages of such a solution is the ability to carry out renovations, rebuilds, or introduce innovations without worrying about the comfort of neighbors. While changing a roof or expanding a balcony in a semi-detached house can pose problems, a detached house offers greater freedom. If the plot allows for it, you can also expand it, such as by adding another floor or a garage.

Do Detached Houses Have Any Disadvantages?

The detached house, a dream for many Poles, is not without certain inconveniences. The main drawbacks associated with living in such a property mainly involve numerous responsibilities related to its maintenance, such as garden care, including regular lawn mowing, and managing the heating system.

Other downsides include a lesser sense of security, especially if neighbors are not close by. Another inconvenience can be the greater distance from the city if a cheaper plot is purchased, which may complicate commuting to work.

Two-Level Apartment as an Alternative to a Detached House

A typical apartment—two, three, or four rooms—may prove insufficient for a larger family, especially as children grow and each needs their own space. In such situations, many people decide to swap their apartment for a house, which involves additional costs or selling their current property to invest in building or purchasing a home.

Given the rising property prices, buying a house, even in a smaller town, is an expense of at least a million złoty, which many Poles cannot afford. An alternative for them might be a modern two-level apartment in a block, which is gaining popularity in Poland.

Advantages of a Two-Level Apartment

One of the undeniable advantages of two-level apartments is the ability to functionally separate them into two zones—day and night. In practice, this also means dividing them into private and communal areas. The lower level usually contains the kitchen and living room, where guests are welcomed. Meanwhile, the upper level consists of bedrooms accessible only to household members. This division promotes convenience and comfort, allowing for reduced need to clean bedrooms before every guest visit.

Many two-level apartments offer spacious terraces, which is a unique advantage for those who appreciate time spent outdoors. Such a space, properly arranged—for example, by adding plants or hanging a hammock—can transform into a green oasis, serving as an alternative to a garden.

Two-level apartments with a garden allow for the creation of a personal relaxation zone. The comfort they provide is significant for residents, and their location on higher floors in a block offers stunning views, appreciated by urban landscape enthusiasts.

Disadvantages of Two-Level Apartments

When analyzing disadvantages, it’s important to note that acquiring such a property incurs higher costs. This is due to the need for building stairs, which involves an expense of at least ten thousand złoty. Furthermore, one must be prepared for higher heating costs, especially if the second level is under the roof. In this case, adequate thermal insulation is crucial to prevent excessive heating in summer and cooling in winter.

In addition to extra expenses, one must also consider the increased space allocated for communication. In two-level apartments, there are more hallways, which reduces the space available for the main rooms.

Choosing a Developer – An Equally Important Aspect Regardless of the Property Type

Both detached houses with plots and two-level apartments have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice of the right solution depends on many factors, such as personal preferences, the age and mobility of the residents, financial capabilities, and their needs. Regardless of which option is chosen, the key element of this choice remains the developer. They are responsible for every stage of the investment process, from selecting an innovative design to the materials used and the quality of workmanship as well as the location.

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