Energy performance certificate of a building – why is it worth knowing?

świadectwo energetyczne w inwestycji Nowa Północ

Since April 2023, some homeowners and apartment owners are required to have an energy performance certificate for their building. The main purpose of this document is to determine the annual energy demand of a given property. Are you wondering if this obligation applies to your apartment or single-family home? Or maybe you're buying a property and want to know its energy certificate? Find out what the document covers, when it’s necessary to obtain, and why it’s worth knowing its content!

What is an energy performance certificate?

The energy performance certificate was introduced into Polish law as a result of the implementation of EU regulations. The document outlines the annual energy demand needed to meet the requirements associated with property use, including heating, ventilation, domestic hot water preparation, air conditioning, and, in the case of non-residential buildings, lighting.

The energy certificate is intended to help future owners or tenants estimate the costs related to the use of the property. Moreover, it helps identify weak points in the building’s energy efficiency, which is useful when planning thermal modernization. Another intended benefit is raising awareness about energy conservation.

What does the energy performance certificate cover?

The new law clearly defines what an energy performance certificate should include. In addition to a photo of the property and basic information such as address, area, and year of completion, the certificate contains key energy efficiency indicators, such as:

  • Eu coefficient related to the annual demand for useful energy;
  • Ek coefficient representing the annual demand for final energy;
  • share of renewable energy sources in Ek;
  • Ep coefficient, i.e., the annual demand for non-renewable primary energy;
  • carbon dioxide emission level.

Moreover, the building energy performance certificate presents the amount of energy or energy carriers consumed by the building for heating, domestic hot water (DHW), lighting, and cooling systems. The certificate additionally provides information about the building's volume, indoor temperatures, heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting systems, and DHW. At the end of the document, there are remarks and recommendations on how to reduce the building's energy demand.

The energy performance certificate assigns the property to one of seven energy classes. The highest, Class A, represents buildings with a positive energy balance, generating more energy than they consume. This is achievable through the use of renewable sources. On the opposite end of the scale is Class G, which includes the most energy-consuming buildings. According to the EU's EPBD directive, such properties will either be phased out of use or undergo significant thermal modernization.

When is an energy performance certificate necessary?

It is worth noting that, contrary to appearances, the energy performance certificate is required not only for single-family homes and larger buildings but also for apartments. Wondering if you need this document? Check the situations in which it is mandatory:

When an energy performance certificate is necessary:

  • Building a house – as an individual investor, you must attach an energy performance certificate of the building to the notification of completion of construction or to the application for an occupancy permit. This requirement does not apply if the building area does not exceed 70 m².
  • Public administration building – if its authorities occupy more than 250 m² of the property.
  • Sale of a building or premises – if you have a certificate, some of the information contained in it must already be provided in the advertisement.
  • Renting – the future landlord must present the potential tenant with the building's energy performance certificate, which also applies to apartments.
  • Buildings put into use before 2009 – an energy performance certificate must be issued after the building undergoes thermal modernization. 

The sale or rental of real estate without an energy certificate carries a fine ranging from 1,000 PLN to 5,000 PLN for individuals. Legal entities may face a penalty of up to 60,000 PLN for this violation.

How to obtain an energy certificate for a building or apartment?

To obtain an energy certificate for a building, you must contact a specialist who will conduct the necessary audit. Only those with the energy auditor's certification, having passed the exam before the Technical Supervision Office, have the required qualifications. The company conducting the audit will ask you for a list of documents necessary for preparing the certificate. The cost of the service depends on the auditor's individual pricing.

The importance of energy efficiency in new apartments

The focus on increasing the energy efficiency of buildings is not accidental. Just look at new apartments in Szczecin and other Polish cities, which feature much better thermal insulation compared to older buildings. A good example is the Nowa Północ estate, which boasts excellent thermal insulation and a range of energy-saving solutions that significantly reduce the cost of maintaining the property.

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