Find out what you need to take care of when you want to rent an apartment to someone

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Are you planning to rent an apartment but don’t know how to do it safely? Don’t worry! This issue concerns both those who are just starting their rental journey and experienced property owners who have had unpleasant experiences with dishonest tenants and want to avoid a repeat. Renting out your apartment has recently become a popular way to increase monthly income, but it is also challenging and risky. That’s why we’ve prepared a guide to help you avoid mistakes and rent your apartment to a trustworthy person.

Define Your Expectations Regarding the Tenant

First and foremost, it is essential to clearly define your expectations and requirements for potential tenants. Therefore, it’s worthwhile to establish a preferred profile of your ideal tenant from the outset. Why is this so important? The tenant profile often determines the ability to achieve higher rent. For example, in the current market situation, foreigners are usually willing to pay more than local tenants. Owners should be aware that rejecting foreign tenants may result in lower rental income.

Another key factor affecting rent levels is administrative fees and utilities. It’s important to remember that the rent paid by the tenant also includes these costs, which can make the offer less attractive if they are too high. On the other hand, too low utility estimates carry the risk of underpayment during the rental period if actual consumption exceeds our forecasts. Therefore, it is crucial to determine the number of people residing in the apartment before calculating utility estimates and other fees.

Verify the Potential Tenant

If you are thinking about safely renting out your apartment, you cannot skip the crucial stage of tenant verification. It is important to thoroughly check the future tenant’s ability to pay rent regularly. As real estate experts suggest, the verification process is best divided into two key areas: identity verification and financial capability assessment. By adopting this strategy, you can significantly reduce the risk of non-payment or delays in rent payments.

Assessing the credibility of potential tenants is one aspect that should be emphasized. If you feel that verifying potential tenants will be challenging for you, seek help from an experienced real estate agent.

Prepare a Detailed Lease Agreement to Protect Your Interests

Once you know to whom you want to rent the apartment, it’s time to sign the lease agreement in two copies. In this context, it is extremely important to have a solid lease agreement. The document must include all key agreements from the meeting with the potential tenant. It is essential that no important issue is omitted in the document. A carefully prepared rental agreement protects the interests of both the landlord and the tenant. If you lack experience in this area, it is advisable to use the services of a real estate agency. However, if you want to handle the matter completely on your own, it is entirely possible. You can find detailed examples of lease agreements online, including ready-to-download templates from the government’s Ministry of Digital Affairs.

Consider Signing an Occasional Lease Agreement

If you’re wondering how to effectively rent an apartment and eliminate the risk of problems with tenants, it’s worth not only using proven lease agreement templates but also considering the rental format itself. Given many recent scandals in Poland, where property owners were unable to legally evict tenants who not only damaged the apartment but also regularly failed to pay for its use, occasional leasing has gained popularity in recent years. This is a specific form of agreement regulated by the Act of June 21, 2001, on the Protection of Tenants’ Rights, Housing Resources of Municipalities, and Amendments to the Civil Code. This type of rental gives owners more tools to combat dishonest tenants.

An occasional lease agreement is drawn up in the form of a notarial deed, and its main advantage is a simplified eviction procedure in case the tenant fails to meet their obligations. However, it is worth remembering that correctly preparing such an agreement requires the presence of the apartment owner (or their authorized representative), the tenant, and the person submitting a statement regarding accepting the tenant into their apartment in case of eviction. This procedure always extends the rental process. However, as owners interested in new housing investments in Warsaw confirm, it is good to use such a procedure to avoid worries associated with renting.

Such action is worthwhile, especially if we want to rent an apartment in a modern estate, such as the Vola estate. The Vola estate is a modern residential complex that sets trends regarding how residential investments should be realized in Warsaw for young people. The estate is located in the vibrant Wola district of Warsaw, offering comfortable apartments of various sizes.

Draw Up a Handover Protocol with the Tenant

Our guide also includes information about preparing a handover protocol. This is a key document that protects both the landlord and the tenant from unforeseen costs. At the moment of handing over the keys to the apartment, a detailed description of its condition, including furnishings and meter readings, is made, and all this data is included in the protocol. For added certainty, it is also advisable to take photographic documentation.

By following our tips, renting an apartment will be reliable and safe. If you are still looking for properties for future rental, be sure to check our offer of residential units. Among other options, there are new apartments in Warsaw that stand out for their attractive locations, making renting such a property just a matter of time. We warmly invite you to explore our project catalogs.

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