How to ensure clean air in the apartment?

Czyste powietrze w mieszkaniu

Czyste powietrze w mieszkaniu stanowi dość niedoceniany element troski o zdrowie i codzienne samopoczucie. Zanieczyszczenia trafiające do dróg oddechowych prowadzą do infekcji i reakcji alergicznych. W  polskich mieszkaniach w powietrzu spotkać możemy między innymi zanieczyszczenia z zewnątrz – pochodzące ze smogu i spalin mikrocząsteczki, w tym o działaniu rakotwórczym. Stałym elementem domowego powietrza bywa kurz, drobiny unoszące się z dywanów, mebli i naściennych farb, sierść domowych zwierząt, a nawet drobinki oleju pochodzącego z kuchni. Sprawdź, jak zapewniClean Air in Your Apartment

Regular Ventilation of the Apartment

Modern windows and doors installed in new buildings are characterized by excellent thermal insulation; however, this insulation works both ways. Lack of air circulation leads to limited air exchange in the apartment, and many pollutants have their sources indoors.

Therefore, regardless of the season, it's worth thoroughly ventilating your living space at least once a day. You can easily protect yourself from a temporary draft with a warm blanket, but contrary to appearances, it is a less risky source of infection than polluted indoor air.

Clean Air in the Apartment Thanks to Clean Air in the Area

Of course, the above solution makes more sense if there is no smog outside, or if serious pollution sources, like exhaust fumes from a busy street, are not reaching your apartment. To ensure clean air in your living space, it's worth deeply considering a good location before purchasing. Eco-friendly neighborhoods located in quiet areas have a significant advantage over the car-filled city center in this regard.

Are you interested in new apartments in Szczecin? If caring about clean air in your apartment is particularly important to you, we can wholeheartedly recommend one of Ronson Development's projects—Nowa Północ estate. In addition to a space tailored to your needs, you'll find various eco-friendly solutions such as green facades, flower meadows, a pocket park, a rainwater recovery system, and efficient LED lighting. Above all, this intimate estate, while well-connected to the city center, is surrounded by greenery and away from busy roads. Plants effectively absorb carbon dioxide and pollutants, giving us oxygen!

Efficient Air Purifier

New technologies are available on the market to help residents take care of clean air in their apartments. Devices designed to filter the air primarily absorb the most dangerous microscopic particles, including mold spores and allergens, which are sources of diseases.

An air purifier is particularly useful during the colder seasons when we naturally ventilate our apartments less frequently, and air quality in many Polish cities leaves much to be desired. A good quality device can be purchased for several hundred zlotys. Some models also have additional functions such as air humidification and ionization. Humidity is also an important parameter—it should be maintained at 40% to 60%.

Thoughtful Vacuum Cleaner Choice

A vacuum cleaner is a fundamental appliance in every apartment, typically serving residents for many years, so it is rarely replaced. If you want to ensure clean air in your apartment, check whether your old vacuum cleaner is actually a "dust collector."

Older lower-quality devices often effectively remove visible dirt but simultaneously release invisible fine dust into the environment, posing a serious threat to respiratory health. A good vacuum cleaner should be equipped with an effective HEPA filter and have an anti-allergy bag. A water vacuum cleaner is also worth considering.

Houseplants to Help Clean the Air in Your Apartment

A time-tested method for ensuring clean air in your apartment is having houseplants. Just like trees growing in the area, they absorb carbon dioxide along with pollutants, rewarding you with clean oxygen, and they do this just as intensely year-round. In other words, a home jungle not only looks impressive and reminds us of spring and summer greenery during the colder months, but it also supports the respiratory health of household members.

Proper Dust Removal

Dust accumulates quickly in apartments and can strongly affect air quality. By removing it weekly from surfaces and floors, you take care of clean air in your apartment, provided you do it correctly. Using a fluffy brush is not the best idea because unwanted particles return to the atmosphere. Instead, opt for wet cleaning or anti-static products. For the floor, it’s worth using a steam mop, which effectively removes pathogens without the need for chemical detergents.

If you're planning to purchase a property, starting the fight for clean air in your apartment should begin with choosing a neighborhood filled with beneficial greenery and located away from busy streets, such as Nowa Północ in Szczecin. In your daily routine, remember to regularly ventilate rooms, effectively remove dust, and if necessary, invest in a device that filters out the most dangerous microscopic particles.

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