Are ground floor apartments safe? When is it worth choosing them?

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Buying an apartment is a decision that significantly impacts the quality of our daily lives. Choosing the location and the right investment is just the beginning; it is also important to determine which floor we want to live on. In this context, many people often wonder whether to buy a ground-floor apartment with a garden. We present the pros and cons of this type of property. We invite you to read on.

What favors the choice of a ground-floor apartment?

The benefits of choosing ground-floor apartments make such properties highly sought after. Regardless of their location, the nature of the housing estate, or the housing market you are interested in, these apartments offer numerous advantages, such as:

  • Ease and convenience of access – the ground floor is an ideal choice for older people, parents with small children, or pet owners. Living on this level eliminates the need to climb stairs, which is beneficial if you have mobility issues, and also makes access to the basement or garage easier. Moreover, when bringing in groceries or heavy items, especially during renovations or moving, you will appreciate this location.
  • No dependence on the elevator – a malfunctioning elevator will not affect your ability to comfortably reach your apartment.
  • Access to private green space – ground floor tenants often have their own garden. Nowadays, not only single-family homes and duplexes can boast a garden – more and more modern ground floor apartments offer this additional space exclusively.

Does living on the ground floor have any disadvantages?

As is commonly known, what may be a disadvantage for one person can be an advantage for another. For this reason, it is difficult to unequivocally identify the disadvantages of ground-floor apartments, especially since much depends on their location, as well as the building's architecture and surroundings. Nevertheless, several potential downsides of ground-floor apartments can be highlighted:

  • Noise – the apartment located on the lowest floor is more exposed to noise. More people are likely to pass by your door than in apartments on higher floors. Additionally, outside sounds may be more bothersome compared to those that reach higher levels.
  • Difficulty in maintaining privacy – low windows are often at eye level with passersby, which can make daily life challenging. If you enjoy having open windows but also value privacy, a ground-floor apartment may not be suitable for you. Furthermore, sounds from outside, when windows are open or on the terrace, can be more intrusive—it's worth considering whether this will be a problem before purchasing an apartment.
  • Coolness and humidity – ground-floor apartments can be cooler and more humid, depending on the quality of floor insulation and the climatic conditions in the area. Proximity to the ground means these units may be more shaded (by trees or other buildings), resulting in a lower indoor temperature. While this can be an advantage in summer, it may pose problems for the rest of the year.

Ground Floor Apartment and Safety – An Eternal Dilemma

There is a common belief that ground floor apartments are less safe. However, a ground floor apartment can be just as secure as one on a higher floor, provided appropriate precautions and security measures are taken. Adhering to basic safety rules is crucial, such as locking doors, avoiding opening the door to strangers, and not leaving valuable items in plain sight.

Modern residential complexes are often fenced and monitored 24/7, and they usually have security personnel. Such amenities can be found in new apartments in Poznań. In these places, video intercoms and access control systems are standard. Ground floor apartments in new buildings are typically equipped with anti-burglary roller shutters and sometimes reinforced windows. Additionally, smart home solutions that allow remote management of the apartment can help improve security.

Choosing a Ground Floor Apartment – Is It Worth It?

The choice of an apartment always depends on various factors and individual preferences. Some people prefer ground floor apartments, while others only consider buying on the top floor. Nonetheless, ground floor options can vary depending on the location of the investment, the surrounding area, available outdoor space (like a garden or terrace), and the overall standard of the building.

Much also depends on who is looking for the apartment. Dog owners are more likely to choose a ground floor apartment, as are older individuals who have difficulty climbing stairs. On the other hand, young people who value privacy may prefer apartments on higher floors.

In summary, ground floor apartments can offer many benefits. However, it's essential to be aware of certain challenges related to safety and noise. The decision to choose a ground floor apartment depends on individual preferences and needs. Therefore, if you are considering purchasing an apartment, it's worth looking into new apartments in Poznań, which stand out for their excellent location and guaranteed safety. We warmly invite you to explore the offerings of Ronson Development apartments.

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