Where to buy an apartment – advantages and disadvantages of large and small cities

The last few decades in Poland have been marked by intense migration of the population to the largest cities. It is not surprising that this phenomenon mainly affects young people who are seeking greater professional and educational opportunities, as well as a rich cultural offer characteristic of large urban areas. On the other hand, the middle class is increasingly moving to the suburbs, where life is quieter and property prices are lower. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city that belongs to large agglomerations, and what are the strengths and weaknesses of smaller towns?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a Large City

Although new apartments in Warsaw are springing up like mushrooms after rain, supply seems to be lagging behind demand. A similar phenomenon can be observed in Poznań, Wrocław, Szczecin, and other major Polish cities. The advantages of living in a city of this size seem to largely determine the decisions of property buyers, so we will start our comparison with them.

Advantages of Living in a Voivodeship City:

  • Developed Labor Market – The largest Polish cities naturally offer the most opportunities for employees representing a significant majority of industries. A slightly higher wage level is also an important factor. For this reason, property buyers are tying their future to Warsaw and other provincial cities, at least until retirement.
  • Educational Offer – Large cities are also academic centers, and local institutions dominate the rankings of the best high schools. This is why provincial cities attract students, who are then eager to stay, as well as families considering the educational opportunities for their children.
  • Social and Cultural Life – This argument may not resonate with everyone, as there are smaller towns with a rich cultural offering, where recreational and leisure areas are an advantage. Nonetheless, large cities provide a much greater variety of options for spending free time.

Drawbacks of living in a big city:

  • Noise level – although this does not apply to all locations, living in a big city usually requires raising your tolerance for noise stimuli a bit.
  • Traffic and distance – despite a wide range of professional and entertainment options, distances in major cities are usually measured in minutes and hours rather than kilometers. Traffic jams can make commuting a hassle, although there are locations where this argument doesn’t apply. A good example is Wola in Warsaw, including the Vola Estate offered by Ronson Development. The location of this modern development allows for reaching the city center in just a few minutes, and the district itself is now one of the business centers. Essential infrastructure is available nearby, and residents have access to at least a few large parks.
  • Property prices – it cannot be denied that in large cities they are significantly higher, but a successful career and the associated earnings can compensate for this drawback.

Maybe it’s worth moving to the suburbs?

All the advantages of living in a provincial city can also be available to residents of small towns. It all depends on the location. Smaller towns actually do not share many characteristics in this regard, which should be taken into account when presenting their strengths and weaknesses.

Advantages of living in a county town or in the suburbs:

  • Less traffic – Although living in a small town sometimes requires longer journeys, residents are not subjected to congested roads and queues in shops, offices, or banks on a daily basis.
  • Air quality – At least during the warmer months, small towns have an advantage, but during the heating season, the situation balances out and smog appears there as well.
  • Recreational opportunities – Small towns usually offer more opportunities for recreation, walks, or cycling trips, although this is not a rule.
  • Peace and quiet – Life in smaller towns moves at a slower pace, which has its advantages.
  • Cheaper properties – Apartments and houses in small towns are cheaper than in larger ones; however, when considering towns that belong to large agglomerations and offer convenient access to the city center, this relationship becomes noticeably weaker.

Disadvantages of living in a smaller town:

  • Limited job market – finding employment in a smaller town can take longer, and some specialists do not find suitable job offers.
  • Limited cultural and entertainment options – while visiting a cinema or restaurant is not an issue in small towns, it is more challenging to regularly attend theaters, philharmonics, or concerts outside of large metropolitan areas, and the available options are limited.
  • Public transportation level – this is a problem for many smaller towns located at a significant distance from regional and county cities. The lack of a car can be quite inconvenient.

The advantages and disadvantages of cities with varying populations will always result from individual perception and needs. Both solutions could be a perfect fit for you!

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