What you need to know when deciding to buy a commercial property? Protect your business from problems!

Zakup lokalu użytkowego w Warszawie
Plac Unii

Buying a commercial property is an investment that can provide regular income, but to reap such benefits, one must thoroughly understand the specifics of this type of real estate. Are you planning to start a stationary business or expand your current one? Learn more about service premises. We invite you to read on!

When should a business decide to purchase a commercial property?

Before starting the search for a commercial property, it’s worth considering the type of business being conducted. Some enterprises cannot operate without a physical location: a beauty salon needs an appropriate space, and an accounting office cannot function without premises. In such cases, owning a commercial property is essential, as these services cannot be provided online.

However, if the nature of the business allows for fully remote work, it’s wise to carefully consider the decision to purchase a property. It may be better to look for new apartments in Warsaw, buy the dream property, and create the necessary work conditions in your place of residence. On the other hand, if working from home is not feasible, consider renting an office in a coworking space.

Sources for obtaining a suitable commercial property?

Purchasing a commercial property for a business happens infrequently in a short period. This process can be lengthy and demanding. It’s beneficial to utilize various sources during the search. Checking listings available at local real estate agencies increases the chances of finding the right property, which may not be visible on popular portals despite limited locations. It is also crucial to browse large websites that list rental and sale offers for commercial properties.

Even though reading newspapers, especially local ones, is a traditional method, it can lead to discovering advantageous offers. It’s also worthwhile to regularly visit the websites of city or municipal offices to not miss potential opportunities, although this requires considering all aspects of this approach. Additionally, service premises are often available for direct rental from developers, and these offers can be found on their websites. It is essential to use various sources to compare many offers and find those that may have escaped your notice.

What to consider when choosing a commercial property for your business?

Any question regarding investment usually comes with a multifaceted answer. First and foremost, commercial premises must meet certain legal requirements, so it’s advisable to check whether a given property is appropriately adapted before purchasing. The location is also significant—it should be attractive to potential tenants, as the investment in the property will only be profitable if companies interested in renting it can be found. In terms of location, it is also important to consider the surrounding area, as neighbors may be unhappy with the new business in their vicinity.

Another aspect to consider when deciding to purchase a commercial property for a business is the maintenance costs of the building. Even in a good location, some properties remain vacant because the rental fees are too high for potential tenants, which can lead to a profitable investment resulting in losses. The technical condition of the property is also an important factor. Renovation costs can be high, so it is advisable to avoid properties that require extensive repairs to be usable.

An essential factor worth analyzing is the location.

Property prices in city centers often reach astronomical levels because this location is considered exceptionally attractive. Therefore, it’s worth considering areas where the number of commercial properties is limited and pondering the reasons for this state. Commercial properties located in residential neighborhoods, far from the center, often attract significant interest due to the lack of appropriate commercial infrastructure. Conducting an analysis of such a property’s location can be challenging if you’re not an expert in the field. For this reason, it’s advisable to seek assistance from a real estate advisor or a representative of the developer who can help identify the best property for a given business.

Or perhaps buying a commercial property for further rental?

Investing in commercial properties requires a higher initial capital than residential properties, but the potential profits are significantly higher. According to data from the National Bank of Poland, the profitability from renting an apartment ranges between 3% and 5%, while commercial property rentals can yield returns of up to 10%.

When purchasing a property for rental, a good location is key, meaning modern infrastructure, convenient access, proximity to shops and services, and availability of parking spaces. It’s also wise to think ahead by choosing a property that doesn’t require frequent renovations, is adapted to the needs of disabled individuals, has adequate sanitary facilities, and includes thermal modernization. Investing in real estate is a way to achieve financial stability and gain attractive passive income.

Buying a commercial property is an important decision that can greatly impact the success of your business. With the right guidance, you can confidently navigate this process and find the ideal property that meets all your business needs. If you’re looking for properties in attractive locations, you’ve come to the right place. Our offer includes various commercial properties, as well as new apartments in Warsaw that could be a great investment. We invite you to check out the property listings from Ronson Development.

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